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Digital Movie 請你看好戲: NOPE
2022-10-31 (星期一)

留意 AM1430 電台節目, 贏取《NOPE》數碼電影代碼。Listen to AM1430 for your chance to win the latest animated movie "NOPE" digital movie code.
遊戲日期 Game period: October 31 - Nov 5, 2022.
遊戲熱線 Game hotline: 905-889-1430 (AM1430).
Oscar®-winning filmmaker Jordan Peele (Get Out, Us) unleashes his latest spine-tingling thriller with NOPE, a mysterious sci-fi pop nightmare available to own for the first time as a Collector's Edition on Digital September 20, 2022 and on 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray™ and DVD on October 25, 2022 from Universal Pictures Home Entertainment.
Jordan Peele reimagines the summer movie with NOPE, an expansive epic of uncanny science fiction. Following their father's shocking death, Hollywood animal wrangler OJ (Kaluuya) and his sister Emerald (Palmer) begin observing unexplained phenomena on their vast Southern California ranch that leads them down an obsessive rabbit hole as they plot attempts to capture the mystery on camera. Along with a former child star turned family theme park ringmaster (Yeun) who neighbors the siblings, the pair's efforts to chase the spectacle soon bring terrifying consequences and unimaginable horror. The result is a complex social thriller that unpacks the seeds of violence, risk and opportunism that are inseparable from the romanticized history of the American West ... and from show business itself.
Official website:
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