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Employment 投身電台

Current Openings:

Statement from Fairchild Group Regarding Employment Scams    click here to listen the audio

加拿大中文電台 長期招收義工

加拿大中文電台每年舉辦各種大型演出及活動,如果您有意作為Volunteer參與其中, 獲得一份難得的經驗,請將您的resume履歷email至 humanresources@am1430.com

If you are interested to work as a volunteer during Fairchild Radio events and shows, please email your resume to humanresources@am1430.com

Fairchild is committed to Employment Equity and to providing a fair and equitable work environment. We encourage applications from qualified women, men, visible minorities, aboriginal peoples and persons with disabilities.
Fairchild respects your right to privacy. When we collect your personal information, you can be confident that we will handle and store it in a secure manner.

Fairchild Radio has a firm policy of not selling, lending or disclosing your personal information. Under all circumstances Fairchild Radio will keep your information confidential and destroy it after use. Click here for Fairchild Radio’s Privacy Policy.