無障礙問題意見箱 Accessibility Feedback Form
加拿大中文電台深信聽眾的寶貴意見是讓本台進步、提供更優質無障礙廣播和服務的最佳途徑。本意見箱是專為有身心障礙(例如視障、聽障、行動不便)的人士而設,假如你對以下的項目有任何意見,請寫上意見內容或要求協助。你亦可以將意見內容以電郵方式傳送給本台的無障礙支援專員,電郵地址為 accessibility@am1430.com。如果以電話溝通對你來說更方便,歡迎致電本台無障礙服務熱線 905-415-6288。
Fairchild Radio believes that the best way to grow and improve the accessibility of our broadcast and services is to listen to our audience. The purpose of this Accessibility Feedback Form is to collect information from persons with disabilities (such as visually impaired, hearing impaired or mobility challenged) who may be experiencing difficulties related to one of the following areas. Please fill out the form below to provide feedback or to receive accessibility support. You can also email your concern to Fairchild Radio's Accessibility Support Officer and the email address is accessibility@am1430.com. If contacting us by phone is more convenient to you, please call us at our Accessibility Hotline 905-415-6288.
- 內容的無障礙性
Content Accessibility 例如:我找不到視頻的字幕或新聞文稿的音頻
Example: I can't find closed captions on a video or audio version of a news article - 數碼科技的無障礙性
Digital Accessibility 例如:我在電台網頁 / 手機 app 不能使用輔助科技
Example: I can't use my assistive technology on radio's web or app - 設施的無障礙性
Facilities Accessibility 例如:我坐輪椅不能進入加拿大中文電台辦公室
Example: I can't access Fairchild Radio facilities with my wheelchair - 其他 Others