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聘請「兼職直播室音響控制員」Part-time Studio Operator  

2022-06-21 (星期二)

聘請「兼職直播室音響控制員」Part-time Studio Operator


"兼職 直播室 音響控制員 Part-time Studio Operator" 

加拿大中文電台 AM1430 現聘需要輪班工作之"兼職直播室音響控制員Part-time Studio Operator"。應徵者需要處事細心; 能於壓力下工作; 熟悉電腦操作; 能講流利廣東話及能閱讀中文和英文; 持有效駕駛執照; 並需要在週日及週末工作。有意者請將履歷六月二十九日前傳真到人事部:905-415-6294電郵到:humanresources@am1430.com.

Recruit of

"Part-time Studio Operator"  

Fairchild Radio Toronto is now hiring part-time STUDIO OPERATOR. Applicant must be fluent in spoken Cantonese; able to read English and Chinese; possess a valid Ontario Driver's License; computer literate and able to work shifts on weekdays and weekends. Resume should be emailed to humanresources@am1430.com or faxed to 905-415-6294 before June 29, 2022.