「La Difference Time Centre 大偉表行」之《歲月留聲懷舊金曲歌唱大賽》2023「網絡人氣奬」網上投票
「La Difference Time Centre 大偉表行」之《歲月留聲懷舊金曲歌唱大賽》2023 網上投票「網絡人氣獎」開始!
最後 10 強,那一位參賽者最深得 Fans 心,可以成功榮獲由網民票選出來的「網絡人氣獎」獎項?
10 位決賽參賽者, 將於 11 月 17 日晚舉行的「La Difference Time Centre 大偉表行」之《歲月留聲懷舊金曲歌唱大賽》決賽中一較高下,競逐「全場總冠軍」、「金嗓獎」、「最清純音質獎」、「最佳演繹獎」、「最佳台風奬」,還有由你決定的「網絡人氣獎」。現在,你可以跟全加拿大網民一起決定哪一位參會奪得「網絡人氣獎」殊榮。
最高票數的參賽者將會成為「網絡人氣獎」得主,得獎名單於 11 月 17 日大賽夜揭盅。票選截止日期:11 月 16 日,下午 6 時。
The Golden Oldies Singing Contest 2023, organized by Fairchild Radio Toronto and sponsored by La Difference Time Centre, will take place on Friday, Nov 17, 2023, at 8PM at The Chinese Cultural Centre Of Greater Toronto (P.C. Ho Theatre).
You can now Vote For Your Most Favourite Contestant...
scroll down to listen to a demo of the 10 competing contestants & VOTE for the one you like the Most.
The one contestant who has the most vote counts will be awarded "The People's Choice Award" on Nov 17, 2023, during the competition.
*** Voting deadline Nov 16, 2023 at 6PM EST ***
(Each person can only vote once and for one contestant only, repeated information will be counted as ONE vote)
1. Darwin Ye 葉昶興
2. Jay Jiang 江宇雄
3. Steven Lee 李肇峰
4. Erin Zhou 周通
5. Nanamie Li 娜娜米
6. Jamie Chan 陳澤銘
7. Jessica Leung 梁凱茵
8. Olivia Hon 韓思樺
9. Sammy Pang 彭淑華
10. Chi Poon 潘志鸞