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Music 全球首播 林宥嘉「口的形狀」  

2014-04-21 (星期一)

Music 全球首播 林宥嘉「口的形狀」

Music 全球首播 林宥嘉「口的形狀」 Music 全球首播 林宥嘉「口的形狀」


今年將暫別歌壇入伍從軍林宥嘉,也宣布2014全新演唱會【口的形狀】即將展開!香港、台北、上海限量三場的巡迴,消息一出也讓許多樂迷卯足全力搶票!這場籌備許久的全新演唱會,對於林宥嘉別具意義,意味著他的音樂領域即將進入一個新的階段,因此華研唱片也配合演唱會同步發行由他親自打造的演唱會珍藏單曲EP【口的形狀】,收錄兩首林宥嘉的音樂創作,以他的進階音樂新風貌,作為暫時與歌迷朋友們道別的紀念,並預示歸來後的林宥嘉的音樂新世界!全新單曲《口的形狀》,將搶先在加拿大中文電台進行全球大首播。4月21日起一連三天,鎖定AM1430/FM889, 就能聽到林宥嘉的新歌!

Music 全球首播 林宥嘉「口的形狀」 Music 全球首播 林宥嘉「口的形狀」

Seems like this is definitely the year for our favourite idols to take up their mandatory military services, sad but has to happen sooner or later.



Next to announce his departure into the military is Mando-pop singer, Yoga Lin. The singer who is currently promoting his upcoming concert tour, “Speaking in Tongues”, released the sad yet inevitable news via his tours press conference. AM1430/FM889 will be premiering his new single, “speaking in tongues”, which is just released with this tour concert, on Apr. 21-23. Stay tuned!