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Toronto Metropolitan University RTA 媒體學院 2023 年度獎學金頒獎禮
2023-11-14 (星期二)
今年 11 月 9 日,由 Toronto Metropolitan University 舉辦的年度 RTA Awards 2023 媒體學院獎學金頒獎午宴上,由加拿大中文電台節目總監:李亭,代表出席頒發 Fairchild Scholarship 獎學金給予本年度得獎者 Sophia Xavier Lee、Ana Saplala,以及 Alexa Ramprashad。
自 1998 年以來,加拿大中文電台一直鼓勵廣播行業多元文化的發展。特意設立 Fairchild Scholarship 為支持就讀Toronto Metropolitan University RTA 媒體學院的學生,更加關心社區的多元文化及種族議題。
Fairchild Scholarship 獎學金的申請資格及詳情,請瀏覽:
Welcome to Toronto Metropolitan University 2023 RTA School of Media Annual Scholarship Awards!
On November 9, Fairchild Radio was at the luncheon ceremony to present the scholarship.
Congratulations to, Sophia Xavier Lee, Ana Saplala, and Alexa Ramprashad, recipients of the Fairchild Scholarship 2023.
Since 1998, Fairchild Radio has been encouraging the development of multicultural awareness and understanding among individuals entering the broadcasting industry.
This scholarship is based on an audio production that demonstrates multicultural awareness and understanding that has been produced as part of a course curriculum.
For more info on Fairchild Scholarship Application:
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