Hot Topics 娛樂追蹤
2022-11-29 (星期二)
留意 AM1430 電台節目, 贏取《EMERGENCY DECLARATION》Blu-ray™ + Digital 套裝。Listen to AM1430 for your chance to win the latest animated movie "EMERGENCY DECLARATION" Blu-ray™ & Digital combo.
遊戲日期 Game period: Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2022.
遊戲熱線 Game hotline: 905-889-1430 (AM1430)
While investigating a terroristic threat that goes viral online, Korean authorities discover that a suspect has recently boarded an international flight bound for the United States. When a healthy passenger on the same flight suddenly dies a gruesome death of unknown cause, panic erupts both in-flight and on the ground. With steadily decreasing fuel and international refusals to offer aid, the captain and crew will be forced to take unprecedented emergency measures in an attempt to save the lives of their passengers.
EMERGENCY DECLARATION lands on Digital, Blu-ray™ & DVD on November 29.
Offical website:
2022-11-30 「La Difference Time Centre 大偉表行」《歲月留聲懷舊金曲歌唱大賽》2022 總決賽
2022-11-29 Blu-ray™ 請你看好戲《EMERGENCY DECLARATION》
2022-11-28 KM5 MIRROR 隊長 Lokman 到溫哥華任海選評審 追星詳情在此!
2022-11-25 Instant coffee 一個小步驟 把即溶咖啡味道提升 媲美手沖咖啡般香濃
2022-11-24 Anna May Wong 華裔女星黃柳霜將成美元上第一張亞裔面孔
2022-11-23 Banana 失戀要吃香蕉皮?不但營養 還可以做甜點!
2022-11-22 Colon cancer 大腸息肉會變癌?甚麼人應做內窺鏡檢查?
2022-11-21 加拿大中文電台 2023年 動感活力群星座枱月曆登場
2022-11-18 Winter Fun Fun Fun 一起見證 體壇盛事
2022-11-17 Japan 吉卜力、哈利波特、迪士尼!日本 8 大新景點(下)
2022-11-16 Japan 吉卜力、哈利波特、迪士尼!日本 8 大新景點(上)
2022-11-15 HIM 華研第 18 屆全球華人網路詞曲創作大賽 截止日期延至 11/30!
2022-11-15 《歲月留聲懷舊金曲歌唱大賽》2022 門票售罄
2022-11-14 《歲月留聲懷舊金曲歌唱大賽》2022 總決賽 11 月 14 日公開售票
2022-11-10 Remembering Chinese Canadian Veterans 國殤紀念日 向加拿大華裔軍人致敬
2022-11-09 The Canadian Origin of Remembrance Poppies「國殤紀念日」為何要配戴紅色虞美人花? 從加拿大一位醫生詩人說起
2022-11-08 Music 全球首播 - 羅志祥《免死金牌》
2022-11-07 High heels 美麗背後 穿高跟鞋可能會付上沉重的健康代價
2022-11-04 Korea Travel 超越泡菜的首爾美食之旅
2022-11-03 Chocolate 巧克力有「白霜」是變質了嗎?放冰箱原來是錯的!
2022-11-02 Super glue 三秒超能膠為何沒用幾次瓶嘴就被塞住?來看正確用法
2022-11-01 Cough 喉嚨乾癢必喝羅漢果水 煮錯小心越喝痰越多