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《男人幫,女人幫》網絡巨星 - 小馬來作客  

2020-12-21 (星期一)

《男人幫,女人幫》網絡巨星 - 小馬來作客

《男人幫,女人幫》網絡巨星 - 小馬來作客

12 月 21 日(星期一) 晚上 9 點播出的《男人幫,女人幫》,主持人 Eva 冠祺邀請到了網絡巨星 - 小馬 (Arieh Smith) 作客做節目。他的頻道「小馬在紐約 Xiaomanyc」在美國、中國和西班牙的社交媒體上,擁有數百萬的粉絲。他以流利的普通話和西班牙語,以及多種其他語言的交匯而成名。

在這次的節目當中,小馬和大家分享了自己成為 YouTube 巨星的秘密,和各種學習中文的歷程等等。精彩故事不容錯過,請鎖定 12 月 21 日,星期一晚上《男人幫,女人幫》

《男人幫,女人幫》網絡巨星 - 小馬來作客

Fairchild Radio program host Eva Chen invited YouTube superstar Arieh Smith(Xiaoma)to participate in the show. Arieh Smith is a polyglot with millions of followers across American, Chinese, and Spanish social media, where he's known as Xiaomanyc, or 小馬在紐約. He's known for his fluency in Mandarin Chinese and Spanish and his linguistic experiments with numerous other languages.

In this program, Xiao Ma shared with everyone the secret of becoming a YouTube superstar and various learning Chinese journeys. The wonderful story is not to be missed!

XiaomaNYC YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLNoXf8gq6vhwsrYp-l0J-Q