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[抗疫] Anti-Coronavirus 新型冠狀病毒 防疫手冊  

2020-02-10 (星期一)

[抗疫] Anti-Coronavirus 新型冠狀病毒 防疫手冊1740331347

新型冠狀病毒肆虐,全球人心惶惶,安省已有 3 宗確診病例,而溫哥華的確診病例現則有 4 宗,但早在確診個案出現之前,多倫多也已經掀起了口罩的搶購潮,無論實體店藥房,抑或網購平台,現在的確是一罩難求。藥房一到貨就一大群人在排隊,排了很久又發現都賣完了;網購也很困難,要麼缺貨、被截單,要麼買了才發現要多個月後才能送到。


♦ 打噴嚏時要用紙巾摀住嘴巴

♦ 定期用溫水加肥皂或 70% 酒精消毒洗手至少 20 秒

♦ 盡量減少用手摸臉、揉眼睛鼻子

♦ 減少出入公共場所

♦ 增強自我免疫能力

按圖下載香港蘋果日報的《全民自救抗疫手冊》(共 39 頁)

要對抗新型冠狀病毒,必須從生活細節入手,香港媒體蘋果日報於其網頁上載了共 39 頁的《全民自救抗疫手冊》,而無線 TVB 亦製作了多條武漢肺炎視頻,當中羅列各種防疫資訊,包括正確使用防護裝備和消毒用品、個人和家居生活須知,還有強身保健湯水食譜,為大家加強裝備一起抗疫。

Drugstores have reported skyrocketing demand, and several Amazon top sellers are indefinitely out of stock. Shortages of surgical face masks are a visible sign that the Coronavirus has reached Canada. Experts agree that, for viral infections including the common cold and the flu, the most effective way to protect yourself is regular hand-washing with warm water and soap, plus the vigilance to resist touching your nose and mouth. Hong Kong media Hong Kong Apple Daily and TVB have produced some tips on "How To Prevent Coronavirus", and we would like to share them with you.

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