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2018-05-15 (星期二)
留意 AM1430 及 FM88.9 節目,贏取《BLACK PANTHER》BLU-RAY + DVD Digital 套裝一套。
Listen to AM1430 & FM88.9 for your chance to WIN a 《BLACK PANTHER》 BLU-RAY+DVD Digital combo!
遊戲日期 Game period: 密切留意,遊戲時間稍後公佈!
遊戲熱線 Game Hotline: 905-889-1430
Marvel Studios’ “Black Panther,” the highly celebrated story of T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman), a young African prince who takes on the mantle of King and Super Hero, has thrilled and inspired generations of moviegoers around the globe. Now, fans can bring home the phenomenon, packed with light-hearted fun, pulse-pounding action and a powerful message, and watch it over and over again, Digitally in HD and 4K Ultra HD™ on May 8 and on 4K Ultra HD™, Blu-ray™, DVD and On-Demand on May 15. With both Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos immersive sound, 4k Ultra HD offers consumers a transformative viewing experience.
Never-before-seen extras feature commentary from director Ryan Coogler; deleted scenes; outtakes; and several making-of featurettes, which detail the Black Panther’s evolution, the remarkable women of Wakanda, the history of T’Challa’s proud nation, and the cosmic origin and technological applications of vibranium.
Marvel Studios’ “Black Panther” is available on Digital May 8 and Blu-ray May 15.
Official website:
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