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懷雅遜大學 2017 年度, 傳媒學系, 《新時代獎學金頒獎典禮》   

2017-11-21 (星期二)

懷雅遜大學 2017 年度, 傳媒學系, 《新時代獎學金頒獎典禮》

Ali Jiwani & Esther Kwong (FRT Administration & International Language Program Manager)

Ali Jiwani & Esther Kwong (FRT Administration & International Language Program Manager)

Fairchild Radio wishes to encourage the development of multicultural awareness and understanding among individuals entering the broadcasting industry... Congrats to Ali Jiwani

過去十年, 加拿大中文電台新時代集團, 都有頒發獎學金給予懷雅遜大學傳媒學系的優秀學生, 今年得到獎學金的 是 Ali Jiwani

Ali Jiwani 憑一個以多元文化角度來講述敍利亞難民的廣播功課, 而獲得今次 《新時代獎學金》

Ali won this scholarship based on an audio production that demonstrates multicultual awareness and understanding that has been produced as part of a course curriculum.