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2017-07-06 (星期四)


加拿大智行基金會 將於今日2017年7月6日中午12至下午4時, 進行 “有父母愛的孩子真幸福電話筹款” 活動。此次捐款是爲了那些艾滋病遺孤而舉辦的。


July 6th, 2017 The Chi Heng Foundation Canada will hold a telethon for the Aids orphans in China.

Please call 1-844-444-5599 or 416-449-7501 to show your support.

The Aids orphans need your help and love. 



 416-449-7501 1-844-444-5599


Chi Heng Foundation Canada (CHFC) is a Charity Organization dedicated to providing help to the HIV-impacted children, with support for basic needs, and the opportunity for education and skills-training. Our mission is to empower and care for the underprivileged children, especially those whose lives have been impacted by HIV / Aids, and to raise public awareness of the multiplier effect of poverty on HIV/AIDS. With a strategic planning committee and financial support from corporate sponsors and private donors, CHFC will play an active role in Canada in helping the world to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.