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Little DJ Summer Camp開營啦!  

2015-07-24 (星期五)

Little DJ Summer Camp開營啦!1741972432

 Summer Camp開營啦!


加拿大中文電台Little DJ Summer Camp已於上週末開營!6~12幾十名小朋友聚在電臺,被大哥哥大姐姐們帶領一起,玩耍+上課+開咪!!




一班小朋友在上課的同時,另一班小朋友跟往屆Sunshine Girl Peony姐姐的帶領學習舞蹈。甚至還有小朋友在5點鐘的are you節目中嘗試開咪啦!好神氣的小小DJ


Sunshine Kidz Summer Camp started last weekend! 50 little Kidz attended! With our DJ Amy, they learned how to perform on stage, how to talk with a microphone and stage manner and skills. With Peony, they had dancing class. During 5pm to 6pm, some of the kids got a chance to speak on air in our kids show “How are you”. What a day for kids! Please follow our latest news on Facebook for Little DJ Summer Camp!