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Movie 請你看好戲《Rampage》
2018-04-13 (星期五)
留意電台節目贏取 "RAMPAGE" 一套雙人入場券。門票在電影公映期間均可使用。
Listen to AM1430 and FM88.9 for your chance to WIN passes to see "RAMPAGE" in theatres!
遊戲日期 Game Period: April 13 to April 19.
公映日期 Release Date: April 13, 2018
導演 Director: Brad Peyton
主演 Cast: Dwayne Johnson, Naomie Harris, Malin Akerman, Jake Lacy,
故事簡介 Synopsis:
Global megastar Dwayne Johnson headlines the action adventure “Rampage,” directed by Brad Peyton.
Primatologist Davis Okoye (Johnson), a man who keeps people at a distance, shares an unshakable bond with George, the extraordinarily intelligent, silverback gorilla who has been in his care since birth. But a rogue genetic experiment gone awry mutates this gentle ape into a raging creature of enormous size.
To make matters worse, it’s soon discovered there are other similarly altered animals. As these newly created alpha predators tear across North America, destroying everything in their path, Okoye teams with a discredited genetic engineer to secure an antidote, fighting his way through an ever-changing battlefield, not only to halt a global catastrophe but to save the fearsome creature that was once his friend.
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