Hot Topics 娛樂追蹤
2018-02-28 (星期三)
留意 AM1430 & FM88.9 電台節目, 贏取 COCO 和 LADY AND THE TRAMP Blu-ray | DVD | Digital 套裝。
Listen to AM1430 & FM88.9 for your chance to win COCO &
LADY AND THE TRAMP Blu-ray | DVD | Digital combos.
遊戲日期 Game period: February 28 - March 6, 2018.
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Disney•Pixar’s “Coco” —the story of a 12-year-old aspiring musician’s extraordinary journey to the magical land of his ancestors—won a 2018 Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Motion Picture and is nominated for a 2018 Academy Award for Best Animated Picture. Now the vibrant tale filled with love and laughter arrives home Digitally in HD and 4K Ultra HD™ on Feb. 13, and on 4K Ultra HD,™ Blu-ray,™ DVD and On-Demand on Feb. 27. The critically acclaimed animated film celebrates the importance of family, honoring your ancestors and following your dreams, and includes extensive extras for the whole family.
Available on Digital February 13 and Blu-ray February 27.
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Experience the timeless tale three different ways along with all-new bonus features! We are proud to announce that this February, Disney's cherished animated classic, "Lady and the Tramp," joins the highly celebrated Walt Disney Signature Collection. Every member of the family will treasure this timeless tale—loaded with three versions of the film, classic bonus material and three all-new features—when it heads home on Digital Feb. 20 and on Blu-ray on Feb. 27.
Available on Digital Feb 20 & Blu-ray Feb 27.
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2018-02-28 DVD 請你看好戲 《COCO》 + 《LADY AND THE TRAMP》
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