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《四海同聲》世界著名雜技人“旗人” The flag man  

2018-02-02 (星期五)

《四海同聲》世界著名雜技人“旗人” The flag man1738180987


Fairchild Radio is proud to announce.. 

The Flag Man - Dominic Lacass 

will be performing at the Fairchild Spring Festival Gala 2018 

on Feb 18, 2018 

at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto 

Ticket: VIP$128, $88, $48, $38, $28 

available at Fairchild Radio 151 Esna Park Park Drive, Markham


大家還記得 “旗人” The flag man 嗎?去年參加過《四海同聲》春節晚會的朋友一定要記得他。他的精湛特技演出讓大家嘆爲觀止。今年 Dominic Lacass 答應再次來到《四海同聲》為大家表演,今年他準備了新的特技表演給大家,相信你們一定會對他新的表演嘆爲觀止。

來自魁北克的 Dominic Lacass 被称为“旗人”(The flag man)是因爲他能將自己做成一面旗幟,與旗杆九十度垂直,遠處望過去就好像一面冉冉升起的旗幟。Dominic Lacass 獲得两项吉尼斯世界纪录。分別是在2007年创造的维持“旗人”的动作39秒,以及2011年创造的横向引体拉伸12次。他曾是Duo Straps, Light Performance, Acrobatic Waiters的雜技演員。他還上過Ellen Degeneres show, America's Got Talent, France Incroyable talent,Das Supertalent 電視節目等。


Quebec native Dominic Lacasse began his current acrobatic career after seven years of gymnastics and 14 years of circus performance. Chosen to represent the flag of his own country in the official celebrations of 400 years of the city of Quebec, Dominic has developed and perfected the art of the human flag that he brought to a higher level and turned into an artistic discipline.


Since then, known as "The Flag Man", Dominic has been in growing demand, traveling around the world to demonstrate this impressive routine. He has performed for countless live audiences and on high-profile television shows including The Ellen Degeneres Show, Le Plus Grand Cabaret du Monde and La France a un incroyable talent (France has incredible talent), among others.


In November 2007, Dominic appeared on the Guinness World Records' show when he set a record for the longest human flag, holding the position for an impressive 39 seconds. He hold now 2 Guinness World Records.


He has also been awarded several circus festival prizes, including the Special Prize, Monte-Carlo 2009; Silver, Wuqiao-China 2009; and Bronze, Izhevsk-Russia 2010.



想要在現場近距離觀看“旗人”(The flag man) 最新驚心動魄的表演千萬不要錯過2月18日加拿大中文電台舉辦的《四海同聲》春節晚會。


151 Esna Park Drive, unit 26, Markham, Ontario
VIP $128, $88, $48, $38及 $28

更多演出信息,敬請留意 AM1430/FM88.9 及本台官方網站 www.am1430.com

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