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Video 祖藍亞男夫婦到訪多倫多  

2015-07-06 (星期一)

Video 祖藍亞男夫婦到訪多倫多1741972290

一幕令人動容的浪漫求婚,一場叫我們大開眼界的迪士尼童話式婚禮,令藝人王祖藍李亞男 (Leanne) 的人氣急升,香港甚至海外的電視觀眾替這對新人開心之餘,亦衷心祝願他們白頭到老,永結同心。今次王祖藍 Leanne 到訪多倫多在多場音樂生命分享會中擔任嘉賓,同大家分享生命經歷同人生信念。


The fairytale wedding of Leanne Li (double champion of 2004 Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant and Miss Chinese International Pageant) and Hong Kong artist Cho Lam Wong was something every girl dreams about.  Their road to marriage started in Vancouver while they were performing for a church event back in 2009. They arrived Toronto last week, busy visiting family and friends and sharing love with their fellow Christians in church.