2018-03-19 (星期一)
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});加拿大中文電台十一屆中文歌曲創作大賽11th FAIRCHILD RADIO TORONTO CHINESE SONG-WRITERS QUEST
加拿大中文電台 「第十一屆中文歌曲創作大賽」 現正接受報名
報名表格可 點擊此處 下載,或親到本台索取
(地址: 151 Esna Park Drive, Unit 26-29, Markham ON L3R 3B1)
報名費用 : 每一首參賽歌曲加幣十元 ﹐另加HST 即加幣十一元三角
截止日期 :
二零一八年四月十三日 (星期五)。 參賽作品必須在截止報名日期當日下午五時前遞交至加拿大中文電台多倫多辦事處。如採用郵寄方式﹐郵印日期不能遲於截止報名日期當日。
查詢熱綫 : 多倫多 (905) 415-1430
Unleash your talent!
Fairchild Radio Chinese Song-Writers Quest application starts TODAY!
submit the FORM and fee to Fairchild Radio (151 Esna Park Dr., Unit 26-29, Markham, ON L3R 3B1)
Application Fee : CAD $10 per entry song, plus HST = $11.30
Application deadline :Friday April 13, 2018 Entry must reach Fairchild Radio Toronto Office by 5 p.m. on April 13, 2018. If by mail, must be postmarked by midnight on April 13, 2018.
Enquiry : Toronto (905) 415-1430
2018-04-16 (星期一)
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});第十一屆中文歌曲創作大賽
地點:大多倫多中華文化中心 - 何伯釗劇院 (5183 Sheppard Ave E, Scarborough, ON M1B 5Z5)
門票 4月 16日 起 在加拿大中文電台公開發售
票價: VIP / $48 / $38 / $30
晨鳥優惠: 4月20日或之前購票, 每票可享有$5折扣
購票地點: 151 Esna Park Drive, Unit 26, Markham, Ontario
The 11th Chinese Song-Writers Quest 2018
Date: May 27, 2018 (Sunday)
Time: 7:30 PM
Venue: Chinese Cultural Centre Of Greater Toronto (P.C. Ho Theatre)
Ticket Price: VIP / $48 / $38 / $30
Early Bird Discount: Get $5 OFF per ticket when you buy before April 20, 2018
** Full-Time Students receives $5 off discount each ticket (must provide a verified Full-Time Student ID)
Ticket Office: 151 Esna Park Drive, Unit 26, Markham, Ontario
欲購從速 Get your tickets NOW at Fairchild Radio Toronto !