Golden Oldies Singing Contest 2021
報名費 Entry Fee:
$10.00 (連税 Tax Included)
截止報名 Application Deadline:
Tuesday, Oct 26, 2021, 5pm
試音 Audition:
日期 Date: Friday, Oct 29, 2021 5pm - 8pm
地點 Venue: Fairchild Radio Toronto 151 Esna Park Drive, Unit 26-29 Markham, Ontario L3R 3B1
總決賽 Final
日期 Date: Sunday, Nov 21, 2021, 8pm - 10pm
直播 Live Streaming: Facebook Live (Fairchild Radio Toronto) Youtube (fairchildradiotor)
查詢 Enquiries
電話 Phone: (905) 425-1430
網站 Website: www.am1430.com
英文姓名 English Name
中文姓名 Chinese Name
性別 Sex
---- 請選擇 Please select ----
男 M
女 F
年齡 Age
---- 请选择 Please select ----
職業 Occupation (Optional)
地址 Address
郵政編碼 Postal Code
住家電話 Home Telephone
手提電話 Cellular Phone
電郵地址 E-mail Address
參賽歌名 Title of Song (所用版本 Version used)
The Contestant can choose any song in any language.
(The Organizer shall have the right to determine the eligibility of the song)
上載 Upload Photo
I confirm that I have read and understood the above
Terms & Conditions
and hereby agree to be bound by the said Terms & Conditions and that the information given in the application is true and correct.
For Applicants under 18 years old, please fill out the following
家長或監護人姓名 Parent's/Guardian's Name:
與參賽者關係 Relationship with Contestant:
家長或監護人地址 Parent's/Guardian's Address:
電話號碼 Telephone No.:
I have read this application form in detail. I am the Father/Mother/Guardian of the Contestant and hereby give my consent to his/her participation in the Contest. I confirm the information given by him/her is true and correct.