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2020-05-08 (星期五)


「2020 許冠傑同舟共濟 Online Concert」之後,加拿大中文電台新時代電視再次獲授權轉播由「郭富城國際關愛慈善基金」聯同《健康‧旦》主辦的線上演唱會。一向致力慈善,心繫社會的郭富城,受到歌神許冠傑啟發,決定出錢出力,於香港時間 5 月 9 日(星期六)下午 5 時舉行「郭富城鼓舞‧動起來網上慈善演唱會」,為專業舞蹈員及電影幕後基層工作者籌募抗疫經費,以解他們燃眉之急。同時,亦希望在母親節前夕,向天下的母親送上祝福。

「亞洲舞王」美譽的郭富城將聯同 80 位舞蹈員,以香港維港作背景的舞台,跳出快樂和朝氣,帶給大家不僅是視覺及聽覺的享受,更有滿滿的生命正能量。


香港日期和時間:5/9 (星期六) 5pm

[多倫多時間]: 5/9 (星期六) 凌晨 5am


如果凌晨 5 時你已經進入夢鄉,但又不想錯過城城的精彩演出,加拿大中文電台新時代電視將會於以下時間播出「郭富城鼓舞‧動起來網上慈善演唱會」


5/9 (星期六) 5pm - 6pm @ AM1430

5/10 (星期日) 9pm @ 新時代電視

看城城演唱會前,先來看看「鄭丹瑞《健康旦》郭富城 Aaron Kwok 2020 訪問」吧!

Hong Kong superstar Aaron Kwok is following in the footsteps of "Father of Cantopop" Sam Hui by holding a free online concert at 5pm this Saturday, May 9th  (Hong Kong time) . "Aaron Kwok Cheer Up & Dance Online Charity Concert 2020" will be raising funds for dancers and film industry workers who have been hard hit by the coronavirus pandemic. Fairchild Radio and Fairchild TV are honoured to be one of the official platforms to broadcast the concert.

"The Aaron Kwok Cheer Up & Dance Charity Concert 2020" is set to begin at 5am this Saturday, May 9th (Toronto time) @ Fairchild Radio Toronto Facebook. You can also tune in AM1430 at 5pm on May 9th, as well as Fairchild TV at 9pm on May 10th for rebroadcasting.