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最新消息!「Fairchild 與你空中有個約會」機票抽獎將會延期!  

2020-03-17 (星期二)

最新消息!「Fairchild 與你空中有個約會」機票抽獎將會延期!

AM1430Fairchild iPlusFairchild 與你空中有個約會」機票抽獎活動 – 最新消息

由於加拿大對防止新冠型病毒擴散採取一系列對旅遊的相應措施,呼籲國民如非入要,請暫時不要外遊。因此,加拿大中文電台會作出相對配合,「Fairchild 與你空中有個約會機票抽獎將會延期舉行,直至本台另行通知。



AM1430Fairchild iPlusFairchild Flight Ticket Draw” Updates

Due to the current situation of the Covid-19 in Ontario, Fairchild Radio Toronto will postpone the "Fairchild Filght Ticket Draw" until further notice.

We apologizes for any inconvenience causes and thank you for your patience.

Stay healthy & Stay strong! We can flight this together!